Thursday, May 14, 2015


There are about 12 days of school left this year. All of my friends are excited and ready for the summer, but for me, this brings up the question...... What do I do with my son for the summer? I work a full time job but I still can not afford ANY of the summer camps. I do not understand why everything has to be so darn expensive. Yes, I want to see my son more. Yes I want to have him home. Yes, I am happy that it is summer time but I also HAVE to work to pay bills. No one else pays my bills, not even a penny so I have no choice but to work. Why do schools and camps have to make it so hard for working parents? It makes me want to open my own summer camp for single families!!!!

Thank goodness my sister is willing to babysit and my boss is flexible and letting me work a different shift over the summer or I have no idea what I would do. Every year it gets harder to plan but I also know that these days will soon be over and he will be all grown up. For now, I will take each day as it comes and make sure he still has a great summer!!!!

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